Tag Archives: service light procedures

Reset service light indicator Seat Arosa

Reset service light indicator Seat Arosa. From year: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.

How to reset service light indicator Seat Arosa.

1. With the ignition switched off.
2. Push and hold the tripmeter reset button situated below the speedometer.
3. Turn the ignition on and hold the tripmeter reset button for atleast 8 sconds.
4. On board will appear “- – – -” done the service light has been reset.
5. It may not works on the first try, you must retry the procedure.

Reset service light indicator Seat Inca

Reset service light indicator Seat Inca. From year: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

How to reset service light indicator Seat Inca.

1. Turn on the ignition, do not start the engine.
2. Push and holf the left hand button on the clocks.
3. With the button still pressed turn the ignition to off.
5. Release the button and you should be able to toggle between the oil, insp1 and insp2 warning light.
6. Choose the warning light that you want to reset.
7. On the right hand side of the clocks there are 2 buttons.
8. Push the bottom button with a biro and hold it until the warning light is reset.

Reset service light indicator Skoda Citigo

How to reset service light indicator Skoda Citigo.

Before the next service interval the messsage InSP appears for some seconds and the remaining kilometres are indicated after switching on the ignition.

At the time of the service, an acoustic signal will sound and the message InSP appears for a few seconds after switching on the ignition.

Resetting Service Light Interval display:

resets the display memory after the relevant inspection.
makes an entry in the Service schedule.
affix the sticker with the entry of the following service interval to the side of the dash panel on the driver‘s side.

Reset driving time indicator Skoda Citigo

Reset driving time indicator Skoda Citigo. From year: 2011, 2012, 2013.
1. The rocker switch A and the button B are located on the windscreen wiper lever.
2. Select memory.
3. Depress button B.
4. Selecting functions.
5. Briefly push the rocker switch A down or up, this opens the individual functions of the multifunction display one after the other.
6. Resetting, select the driving time indicator.
7. Push the button B for a few seconds.
8. The following readouts of the selected memory will be set to 0 by button B.

How to reset service light indicator Skoda Superb 1

1. Get in the car, with the ignition to off position
2. Press and hold right button on the dashboard.
3. Switch the ignition to on, do not start the vehicle.
4. Release, right button.
5. Now turn button located on the left on dash to the right in clockwise direction.
6. The service indicator was reset.